Release notes ============= 0.1.0 ----- First release of Gimmecert. Implements ability to set-up per-directory CA hierarchy that can then be used to issue server and client certificates. Resolved issues: - **User stories**: - `GC-4: As a system integrator, I want to easily issue server and client certificates so that I can quickly test software that requires them `_ - `GC-5: As a system integrator, I want to initialise a CA hierarchy in project directory in order to use it within the project `_ - `GC-6: As a system integrator, I want to issue server certificates so I can deploy them for use with server applications I use `_ - `GC-7: As a system integrator, I want to issue client certificates so I can deploy them for use with client applications I use `_ - `GC-8: As a system integrator, I want to get status of current CA hierarchy and issued certificates so I could determine if I need to take an action `_ - `GC-9: As a system integrator, I want to renew server or client certificate in order to change the additional naming or renew expigration date `_ - `GC-10: As a system integrator, I want to be able to see tool's help in CLI so I can remind myself what commands are available `_ - `GC-21: As a system integrator, I want to be able to issue certificates using a CSR so I can generate my own private key `_ - **Feature requests**: - `GC-2: Project skeleton `_ - `GC-3: Ability to initialise CA hierarchy `_ - `GC-11: Initial skeleton CLI implementation `_ - `GC-12: Initial installation and usage instructions `_ - `GC-15: Ability to issue server certificates `_ - `GC-16: Ability to issue client certificates `_ - `GC-19: Ability to update server certificate DNS subject alternative names `_ - `GC-18: Ability to renew existing certificates `_ - `GC-20: Ability to display status `_ - `GC-22: Ability to provide CSR for issuing and renewing certificates `_ - **Enhancements**: - `GC-14: Clean-up test runtime configuration and imrpove usability `_ - **Tasks**: - `GC-1: Set-up project infrastructure `_ - `GC-17: Refactor CLI command handling and relevant tests `_